Pre-Holiday Maintenance Tips to Keep Your HVAC System Working Flawlessly

Pre-Holiday Maintenance Tips to Keep Your HVAC System Working Flawlessly

Published by Upland Servicing on

Pre-Holiday Maintenance Tips to Keep Your HVAC System Working Flawlessly

As the holidays approach, many families are wondering what they can do to keep their homes warm and cozy during the cold winter months. Even though residential HVAC systems are designed to work smoothly for years, you will need to carry out a little bit of maintenance if you want to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. Here is a quick look at just a few of the steps that you can take to get your HVAC system ready for the upcoming holidays.

Open and Inspect Vents

Winters in Joplin can be frigid, and that means you need to have all of your HVAC vents open when it comes time to heat your home. Many people fully or partially close their vents at various points throughout the year, and that can lead to efficiency issues for the furnace or heater. By opening the vents, you can ensure that your entire home remains at a warm and stable temperature when the weather changes.

Take a Look at the Air Filters

When it comes to getting your HVAC system ready for the holidays, swapping out the air filters is going to be one of the most important tasks. In addition to improving the efficiency of your HVAC system, fresh filters are also going to improve your home’s air quality for your family and guests. As a general rule, you should plan on replacing the air filters at least once every 60 to 90 days during the coldest months of the year.

Test the Thermostat

A modern thermostat should remain functional for quite a few years, but it is still a good idea to inspect that device before you begin to use your heating system every day. As soon as you adjust the temperature on the thermostat to warm the house, you should hear your HVAC system kick on within a few seconds. If the system doesn’t turn on or if it continues to cycle once every few minutes, then it might be time to replace the thermostat.

Schedule Your Seasonal Service Call Early

There are quite a few things that the average homeowner can do to get their HVAC system ready for the holidays, but most will need some professional assistance as well. If you haven’t had your HVAC system serviced this season, then we invite you to call Upland Services today so that you can speak with one of our experienced technicians. We are proud to work with residents of Joplin and the surrounding communities and assist them with all of their heating and cooling needs, and our team can help you come up with a preventative service plan that will keep your HVAC system working smoothly throughout the winter months.


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